We are born wealthy due to the fact that our universe is abundant and the resources we aim are unlimited (although they made us think it is the opposite). Nature is abundant and we are part of it.
Abundance is the ability to generate money and prosperity is the ability to make this money grow. As the time goes by and we grow up we configure our inner programming, incorporating everything we capture from our surroundings, what we learn in our first years of life and what we inherit from our ancestors. In form of subconscious beliefs This programming will condition us in our decisions, movements, actions and the abilities to receive abundance.
Some of the subconscious beliefs come from the country we were born, some of them come from our religion, some other from inherit and there are some the we have produced.
The beliefs we have inherit from our ancestors are called cross-generational. We inherit similar physical features and genes but we also inherit ways of living and thinking.
vibrates a high frequency, such as love or happiness do.
You should take in consideration that you will attract everything that is in agreement with your energetic vibration, that is why it is important that in your subconscious there are not limiting beliefs, beliefs of scarcity or mental social patterns where money is seen as something dirty.
Some of the Limiting Beliefs about abundance:
Everyone that has money wins it deceiving others, I prefer being trustworthy.
You can not have everything in life.
Money is not important, it is important to be happy.
Things can not be this easy.
It s not possible to earn a living doing what I love.
Money calls money.
Money only brings problems.
I am poor so I will die being poor.
Money does not give happiness.
It is not possible to win a lot of money being spiritual.
It is impossible to find a decent job nowadays.
Essential beliefs that block up abundance, yout prosperity:
I do not deserve...
I can not...
I do not have the right to...
I am not worth...
It is impossible achieve...
I am not capable...
It is hard to...
It is not right.
The consequences to limiting beliefs: lost of opportunities of growth and of consciousness in every life aspects, personal aspects, family ones, social...etc.
Going from a vibration of scarcity to one of ABUNDANCE is possible due to SAAMA YOUR LIFE.
With SAAMA therapy we can connect with our subconscious and see if the source of your limiting beliefs, beliefs of scarcity and all of the other blocked emotions that limit your abundance in life.
With SAAMA we can cancel those blockages and resistances that do not leave you have everything you want.
That is why SAAMA YOUR LIFE will help you in: