With the SAAMA and LNT therapies, we can activate in an energetic way the defences, activate the immune system weakened for the general stress.
This stress can provided by different reasons, one of them is the emotional load that we drag after loads of lived events. Another one can be sleep disorders or lack of sleep.
All of this accumulated stress makes us release the Cortisol hormone, and the Adrenaline, being the cause of debilitation of our immunological system.
When we live with lots of emotions that are related with the fear, and that stresses and debilitates us.
Emotions such as rage, frustration, sadness, panic, culpability, depression, negativity in general, victimisation, low self-esteem, pessimism, etc... All of these emotions debilitate us and affect orr immune system.
We can check the energetic efficiency in different organs such as the lungs, the liver, kidneys etc... and clean the accumulation of negative emotions that can be affecting these organs.
Obviously when we became infected by a virus, at the present time that we talk about Corona Virus, if we have an immune system with the defences good activated in an energetic way, this always will affect us less and will help us to overcome better the disease.
With SAAMA and LNT we can act on the symptoms of debilitation of our immune system. Cleaning the entire emotional part, and balancing our energetic part, we will help our defence system, our immune system to become stronger in every sense, and to have an energetic efficiency of the 100%.