"Body is the stage where the theatre of life is performed" (Chinese Traditional Medicine principle).
Accumulated blocked emotions are the base in the majority of health problems.
Have you vibrated in abandonment?
Do you have low self-esteem?
Have you lived lack of affection by your parents?
Have you seen or experienced bad treatments while living with your parents?
Have you lived traumas because of violation, devaluation or psychological or physical abuse?
Do you have problems with your abundance?
Aren't you able to complete de projects you start in your life?
Is it hard for you to find a partner?
All of this questions start from emotional wounds that can be recorded in your subconscious.
The balance of your energetic body with the LNT technique gives you multiple benefits such as
physical ones or emotional and can overcome multiple ailments such as:
Migraines, body aches, contractures, articular aches, stress, anxiety, insomnia, infertility, allergies...
Also becoming aware of the fact that you are an energetic body unlocks negative personal situations
such as: phobias, addictions, lack of abundance, indecision, insecurities...
When our emotional backpack is everyday carrying limiting believes, victimisms, lacks of any types,
frustrations, insecurities, negativities, etc... all of these accumulated emotions, become blocks, they
turn into resistance that change our own natural vibration, affecting the development of our lives in
every aspect.
With the SAAMA therapy and the LNT therapy this limiting believes can be cancelled, these negative
emotional patterns can be erased. Giving an energetic balance to all of your body.
The therapist connects to your subconscious by accessing to 95% of the information that rule your
life, and leaded by your subconscious, the therapist follows all the guidelines that your subconscious
dictates, erasing, cancelling, correcting what your subconscious wants.
When you erase from the subconscious the information that it's not useful for you or that damages
you and you change it for useful and beneficial information, little by little you will notice that you
enjoy a better EMOTIONAL WELLNESS. In a few words: You will start to lead your life from the
unconscious level to the conscious one in a healthy way, in a clean way, projecting sharpness,
projecting light, clearing from negativities the path of your life, from all types of blocks, from all
types of resistance, And like that SAAMA YOUR LIFE.
Balance, peace and harmony.
- The relationship with your own self and with the world changes.
- You feel better, you have more energy, more joy and more desire to live.
- Your relationships will improve.
- You will see everything with more clarity, with more agility, having better projection for
everything that interests you in life.
- Your levels of stress, anxiety, nervousness, will go down.
- Your aches will decrease.
- Little by little, you will discover new opportunities of growth, you will have new tools to face
the situations, new spaces.
- You are the owner of your emotions and you feel more flexible, lighter, you have a clear
mind, and you can make decisions from a quiet place, with more information. Everything
starts to flow in your life, like never before.
- You feel how proper conditions are being created to improve every aspect of your life.
- You also accept much better the experiences that you thought that were negative before
and you are able to discern the good things they contain.
For all that emotional wellness is worth it to open your mind, open your heart and make a
quantum jump to the new era.
- You feel better, you have more energy, more joy and more desire to live.
- Your relationships will improve.
- You will see everything with more clarity, with more agility, having better projection for
everything that interests you in life.
- Your levels of stress, anxiety, nervousness, will go down.
- Your aches will decrease.
- Little by little, you will discover new opportunities of growth, you will have new tools to face
the situations, new spaces.
- You are the owner of your emotions and you feel more flexible, lighter, you have a clear
mind, and you can make decisions from a quiet place, with more information. Everything
starts to flow in your life, like never before.
- You feel how proper conditions are being created to improve every aspect of your life.
- You also accept much better the experiences that you thought that were negative before
and you are able to discern the good things they contain.
For all that emotional wellness is worth it to open your mind, open your heart and make a
quantum jump to the new era.
Important: It should be clarified that SAAMA therapy does not give any medical advice and treatment and does not
prescribe the use of medication as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a
doctor, directly or indirectly. In case of implementing any information from that place for that purpose, SAAMA YOUR
LIFE does not assume the responsibility of those acts. The intention of that place is only to provide information of
general nature to help in the search of development and personal growth.