The energetic revision is focused in finding out if there are problems related to the energetic system our the body.
The first step is an Aura revision, where we observe the seven layers of it. The Aura is most of the times weakened by a depressive period, a period of really low mood or a period where any disease left us without strength, energy...etc.
In this cases our Aura is fissured causing a lost of vital energy.
The second step is proving that there is a correct functioning of Chakras.
The third step is proving the correct energetic performance all over the body:
Organs, spine, skin, glands, taste, smell, etc...
We check if there is a lack of any vitamin, mineral or trace element, etc...
With this energetic revisions we eliminate vibrations bonded to our bodies, such as earth pathologies of any kind, negativity...etc.
We review the main meridians and the main Chakras, unblocking, cleaning and activating the Chakras.
Ultimately, these energetic revisions give us the chance to detect and counteract outside energies that are taking part in your health, to a physical level and to an energetic level.
These energetic revisions are ideal for moments where you life is changing.
When you prepare an opposition, a trip, pregnancy, changing home, changing job, life expectations...etc.
The energetic revision that the SAAMA therapy offers will help you recover all of your vital energy, unblocking all the negativity from outside and unblocking all Chakras and meridians. This will leave you get to your inner energy for a healthy and wealthy life.
If you heal your energy.